Does Content Syndication Work?
You may have heard some chatter about syndication but thought to yourself—sounds good but does it really work?

The answer is—Absolutely!!
Here is your Proof
NIH News in Health is a monthly newsletter that has recently been syndicated. Since syndication, the newsletter’s content can be found on multiple websites. These websites include state and local governments, non-profit groups and private companies.
Here is an example of the newsletter on the NIH website.

The same content displays on the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library website.

Want more proof?
Here is another example on the NIH website.

This issue of the newsletter is seen here on a .org website. The information is the same but the content is reaching the .org’s audience, expanding the reach of the newsletter.

There are many more examples of the success NIH News in Health is having with syndication. Maybe your organization has a newsletter or Web content you would like to see syndicated to broaden your audience reach. Syndication also allows for other types of media to be disseminated including images, infographics, videos and datasets.
The possibilities are endless.
Have questions about content syndication? Join us this afternoon for the free webinar Creating Portable Content with Structured Content Models, where experts from NIH, CDC, and GSA will discuss how to make your content portable. Sign up here.
To learn more about content syndication, visit the Free Web Content from NIH section of the their website