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Innovative work, news, and ideas from people and teams in government

Building a User-Centered Data Strategy

Building a User-Centered Data Strategy—Developing a data strategy is challenging, but 18F can help agencies with the process of creating an effective one. Our principles of user-centered design, agile, and iterative delivery can increase an agency’s chance for success in using data more effectively. — via 18F

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Apr 01, 2021

2020 Annual Review Year in Review— recently released their annual report that looked at federal search traffic during 2020. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, and environmental emergencies, 2020 was truly an extraordinary year. The COVID-19 pandemic changed search patterns and volume significantly. Some topics saw as high as a 500% increase in volume, while others dropped 90%. Forms, usually one of the top needs, saw a steady level of demand but still dropped to 5th place in 2020 due to other emergent needs. — via logo

Mar 25, 2021

How to Present Like a Pro

How to Present Like a Pro—When you are presenting on streaming video, you are essentially doing the same thing as a television news anchor. Try these common methods that television presenters use daily to improve your presentation skills in the “zoom” era. — via logo

Mar 25, 2021