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Stacey Sarris

Stacey Sarris is a UX consultant and adjunct professor at Pace University, doctoral candidate at University of Baltimore's Information and Interaction Design program, and currently a UX intern at GSA.

News and Events

Focus Groups: Are They Right for You?

The short answer is: it depends on your goals. If you Google “focus group,” you will have a host of positive and negative feedback, but the truth is that it depends on what your needs are. What Is a Focus Group? Focus groups are an inexpensive way

Apr 17, 2015

Usability Testing with People Who Have Vision Impairment

It’s a forgone conclusion that usability studies are effective in identifying weak points within a website, but what about testing people who are visually impaired? How hard is it to accommodate them? There are some additional challenges that you may encounter when conducting testing with people with disabilities; however, these challenges should not be considered

Apr 10, 2015