Trends on Tuesday: Mobile, It’s Where You’ll Find Millennials

Apr 29, 2014

It’s no secret, if you want to reach Millennials, mobile is a great way to connect. This generation of tech-natives is adept at accessing large amounts of information held in the palms of their hands. However, their information overload also poses a challenge for agencies competing to gain their attention.

The Center for Media Research presents four suggestions for crafting a mobile strategy that will engage Millennials:

  • Have a mobile site. More than 75% of Millennials access the Internet from their phone, with 34% higher click-through rates on their mobile devices.
  • Create opt-in opportunities. 90% of Millennials spend time on mobile devices sending and receiving messages, with open rates exceeding 99%. They want relevant campaigns that deliver personalized content.
  • Got apps? 60% of Millennials downloads apps to their devices. Using app alerts and push notifications can increase their usage.
  • Be social. Millennials want to engage with agencies the same ways they engage with friends. They also want content they can share with their social media connections.

Sound familiar? It should. These strategies aren’t just good ideas for reaching Millennials, they’re best practices for putting the user experience first. The more agencies can create relevant, personalized content, the less we may find ourselves competing with other digital noise. Start putting user experience first with these Mobile User Experience Guidelines and Recommendations.