USWDS Monthly Call - September 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by and the U.S. Web Design System

View the slides (PowerPoint presentation, 10.5 MB, 46 pages)

How do we help users find content in their preferred language? Join us as we take a closer look at the language selection patterns we’re developing for USWDS.

We’ll talk about how this work evolved out of the Multilingual Community of Practice, then we’ll discuss our general approach to pattern guidance, while looking at this specific guidance and the new components that support it.

This event is part of a monthly series that takes place on the third Thursday of each month. Don’t forget to set a placeholder on your personal calendar for our future events this year.

About the USWDS

The U.S. Web Design System is a toolkit of principles, guidance, and code to help government teams design and build accessible, mobile-friendly websites backed by user research and modern best practices.