
Accessible Digital Content: Tips and Tricks

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET

Hosted by and the IT Accessibility and Section 508 Community

an image from the video
View the slides (PDF, 491 KB, 16 pages)

This session is intended to bring attention to some of the common errors and issues that users have when developing accessible content; including presentations, spreadsheets, and documents.

The hosts will take attendees through a set of common issues and then provide live demonstration on how to resolve the issue or how to create the item in an accessible manner from the start.

This webinar will cover:

  • Spreadsheet Remediation
  • Presentation Remediation
  • Tips and Tricks for Documents and PDFs
  • Additional Information and Resources
  • Questions and Closing

Relevant Link:

This talk is hosted by the IT Accessibility and Section 508 Community. This community helps federal agencies buy and build accessible IT, with tools, training and best practices to support universal design, accessible development, and 508-compliant procurement. They work to encourage the adoption of accessible IT across the federal government.