How Chatbots Can Improve Customer Experience

Chatbots are a must-have in our customer experience strategy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM ET

Hosted by and the Web Content Managers Community of Practice

an image from the video

For millions of Americans, access to government information and services isn’t a luxury — it’s critical. And now, more than ever, their experiences using contact centers, websites, and other channels to find unemployment support, file taxes, apply for student loans, or get assistance with housing, childcare, or food can dramatically affect how they feel about the government.

While there are many things we can do to improve their experience, chatbots are a must-have in our customer experience strategy. 

Join this event, hosted by the Web Content Managers Community, to learn more about chatbots and hear from a cross-agency panel about how they have used chatbots and other virtual assistants to improve customer experience.

We’ll kick off the event with a live demo of an agency’s chatbot followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

We recommend including relevant resources, websites, community pages, regulations, external tools, or previous videos, which might help the attendee get more information or prepare for the event:

This talk is hosted by the Web Content Managers Forum Community of Practice and The Web Content Managers Forum is a community of government employees who share ideas, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in managing the content of government websites. This community is open to employees of a federal, tribal, state, or local U.S. government agency, working on government digital content. Community members can share news, findings, results, hurdles, and collaborate on issues related to managing government digital content.