Making a Mobile-Friendly Website Using the ADAPT Model
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Hosted by and the David Fern

The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (21st Century IDEA) requires federal websites to be “fully functional and usable on common mobile devices.” Mobile-friendliness, however, can mean a variety of things, depending on the perspective of a user.
David Fern, co-lead of the MobileGov Community and the Federal Crowdsource Mobile Testing Program, knows a lot about making websites and content mobile-friendly. This webinar gives you insights into his approach—the ADAPT Model—which looks to ensure that websites are mobile-friendly:
- Assess Your Site
- Determine Challenges
- Align Solutions
- Perform Enhancements
- Test Again
He’ll walk you through this approach, give you some resources for testing your site or content, and answer any questions that you have about mobile-friendliness.
Presentation deck: Using the ADAPT Model to Become Mobile-Friendly (PDF, 763 KB, 16 pages)
This event is hosted by the MobileGov Community and DigitalGov University. MobileGov is a GSA-sponsored community of practice focused on implementing solutions for making mobile technologies better in government.