DAP Learning Series: Understanding When to Use Sessions vs. Unique Pageviews
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Hosted by Digital.gov and the DAP

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Page-level reporting is complicated—we regularly need to decide between using sessions and unique pageviews in reports. How should we be thinking about these two very different metrics? How should we interpret and use them in our content analysis? We’ll talk about the concepts of sessions and unique pageviews and demonstrate how to answer content questions to help you better understand how to report on your content using sessions and unique pageviews.
In this webinar, Freddie Blicher, an analyst for the Digital Analytics Program (DAP), will discuss how to think about sessions and unique pageviews in reporting and content analysis. Attendees will learn:
- the difference between sessions and unique pageviews, and how to use them
- how to analyze content
The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers advanced, easy web analytics to federal agencies. DAP is run by the Office of Products and Programs in the GSA.