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Web Managers Community

Create a better online experience for the public alongside government web content managers.

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Government employees and contractors with an official .gov or .mil email are eligible to join.

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Join 2,160 Web Manager community members

We are a group for those who create, manage, and contribute to government websites and digital services. We are working to create a trusted, seamless online experience for all. You do not need to be a “manager” to be a part of this community; we are all managing different aspects of the digital experience and all have something to contribute — and something to learn — from one another.

What We Do

Together, everyone achieves more. We recognize the expert in each of us. Our primary purpose is to collaborate and share ideas, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in managing government websites and digital services—from all levels of skills and knowledge.

We support efforts to implement the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (21st Century IDEA) and other requirements for government websites and digital services.

We meet several times a year and maintain an active LISTSERV. We also work with other communities of practice and the Federal Web Council to publish case studies, blog posts, and other resources on

We want to help our community find the answers to questions, to consider questions they perhaps haven’t thought to ask, and to learn from this diverse community.

Who We Are

We held our first community meeting in October 2000. The web content managers group was started as a way for content managers, not techies, to get together to discuss web content and management issues facing the federal government. We have evolved over the past 20 years to include everyone who has a role in building websites and digital services.

Community Conduct

The Communities of Practice are hosted by, a service of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) within the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and must comply with requests for records made under FOIA. As a result, all communications made on this Communities of Practice LISTSERV are subject to release under FOIA.

When participating in this CoP, follow Community Guidelines.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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