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Multilingual Community

Expand and improve digital content in languages other than English.

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Join 739 Multilingual community members

We work to support Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for People with Limited English Proficiency. Our primary purpose is to meet the growing demand for government information and services in other languages and to share ideas, challenges and best practices for managing multilingual content and websites.

What We Do

The Multilingual Community of Practice, formerly known as the Federal Multilingual Websites Committee, works together to solve common issues, to offer translation best practices, to define terminology and to be a resource to each other. The community also offers guidance on developing strategies, getting buy in, incorporating other languages in the overall marketing strategy, and more.

Who We Are

We are a group of translators, editors, content designers, digital product managers, user experience experts, and communication specialists who provide digital information in languages other than English. We strive to improve the quality of content provided in many different languages and support each other by sharing standards and best practices.

Community Conduct

The Communities of Practice are hosted by, a service of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) within the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and must comply with requests for records made under FOIA. As a result, all communications made on this Communities of Practice LISTSERV are subject to release under FOIA.

When participating in this CoP, follow Community Guidelines.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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