Grow Your Content Base with New Contributions to the HHS Syndication Storefront
We have written about syndication and its successes before.
The content offerings of the HHS Syndication Storefront have recently grown. The National Institute of Heart Lung and Blood Diseases (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is the latest to add content into the system.

Now you can directly syndicate content items such as the “DASH Eating Plan,” a “Description of High Blood Pressure,” to an article outlining “Coronary Heart Disease.”
Users can search, select and import these new offerings or other existing content directly into their web sites or applications. Best of all, these services are provided by HHS free of charge.
Check out the HHS Syndication Storefront.
Let us know what other pieces of content you would like offered in the storefront. The content offerings continue to grow and we hope our audience does as well.