Start Sleuthing with the Great Federal Mobile Product Hunt
Mobile-friendliness is a must for government. We know there are a number of agencies who have mobile-friendly digital products that we don’t know about, and they deserve their day in the sun.

We need your help to find them. So today, at the DigitalGov Citizen Services Summit you will find the MobileGov Community of Practice Expo Table, where we are kicking off the Great Federal Mobile Product Hunt. The mission of the hunt is simple—find the mobile apps or websites not listed on the registry.
The Federal Mobile Products Registry is the authoritative source for federal mobile Web products, and we want to make sure your agency’s products are included. Agencies that do not have their apps registered here are losing out on valuable promotional opportunites on and DigitalGov.
Here’s how you can help agencies get their promotional mojo by participating in the Great Federal Mobile Product Hunt:
- Check out the Mobile Apps Directory on to see if your agency’s products are listed.
- If they are listed, great!
- If not, email us with the subject line “LostApps,” and tell us the name of the mobile app or website and the contact person for it. We will add the app or website to the registry, and we may profile it in our Thursday Mobile Products series here on DigitalGov.
Stay tuned, as we will be bringing you periodic updates about our progress in finding missing apps. Help us spread the word by using the hashtags #lostapps and #mobilegov on Twitter.
Courtney Greenley is an ORISE/ORAU fellow at the Institute for Water Resources at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.