Trends on Tuesday: Six New Changes in Kids’ Media Habits

- Roughly twice as many children use mobile media today than in 2011.
- “Traditional” screen media use, such as television and video games, has decreased by more than 30 minutes per day.
- Children still spend most of their media time watching television, but viewing habits have changed. Fifty-eight percent of children watch TV at least once a day but this viewing includes watching pre-recorded, downloaded or streamed, or on-demand programs.
- Poor and minority children have more access to mobile devices and apps than they did two years ago, but a large access gap still remains. Access to high-speed internet has remained about the same, but access to smart phones is increasing.
- Television is the most common platform for children’s educational content. Though many children access educational materials on mobile devices, television continues to top the list.
Again as government thinks mobile first, agencies must remember that mobile is a channel for people of all ages.