Mobile Code Sharing Catalog Snippet: Leaflet

Check out Leaflet, available on the Mobile Code Sharing Catalog, a modern open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. It is developed by Vladimir Agafonkin of CloudMade with a team of dedicated contributors. Weighing just about 31 KB of gzipped JS code, it has all the features most developers ever need for online maps. More info at
Leaflet is just one of the many pieces of open source code available on the Mobile Code Sharing Catalog hosted on GitHub.The Mobile Code Sharing Catalog was developed as part of the Mobile Application Development Program. Developers can find and SHARE source code for native and web projects from a variety of sources.
- Are you a government mobile innovator with some code you’ve developed to share? Submit your code.
- Are you a developer who wants to tweak one of the existing government apps or modules? Fork the content and make a pull request.
- Are you looking to get involved in government mobile code sharing? Ask your questions.