Trends on Tuesday: Identify Your Mobile Personas
Sparksheet recently posted an article by Greg Hickman, where he explains how to create mobile personas for your consumers when developing a mobile strategy.
When it comes to mobile marketing and strategy, he says it’s easy to get caught up in the hot new trends that might not necessarily be the best for promoting your product. The mobile product your agency is trying to promote needs to fit your customers, and creating mobile personas is a strategic way of doing that. Hickman encourages mobile strategists to dive into their own data and customer behaviors to get to these personas. He offers three mobile personas as a starting point:
Touch Screeners:
- 18-34 years old
- Likely to have smartphone/follow trends
- Likely to download apps, scan QR codes, watch videos and research products
Green Thumbs:
- 24-44 years old; more likely to have small children
- New mothers shifting online habits to mobile
- Likely to access mobile web on monthly basis
Straight Talkers:
- 35-65 years old; more likely to have teenage children
- Spend free time with family
- Likely to increase mobile search behavior, text messages, online product research

The Mobile Heat Map
Bruce Hershey’s mobile tactic heat map takes these mobile personas and examines their mobile usage behaviors by tactic. The darker the cell, the more that mobile persona is engaging in the activity. The check marks indicate the tactics the mobile persona actually uses. Lighter colors with no check marks means very low activity and darker colors with check marks mean there is a high level of activity by its respective mobile persona.
When your agency is implementing a mobile strategy, it is critical to think about the customer first. Determining your customer’s personas will help you identify the tools that resonate most with those personas. Remember, the mobile world is constantly changing, so you should be constantly updating your personas and tactics.