Government teams are improving digital experiences every day. Gain insights from their stories, case studies, and innovations.
Discovery BPA Evaluation Process: How to Operationalize this Practice
This guide provides acquisition professionals the steps and resources needed to operationalize the evaluation process developed for the Discovery BPA.
True Crime Detectives: How We Used Free Web Metrics Tools To Uncover a Cybersecurity Incident
Join as we slowly uncover a conspiracy to scam Americans using fake government websites… and then try to foil the caper!
Transition Post 3: Managing Official Email and Social Media Accounts
Transition Post 3: Managing Official Email and Social Media Accounts—As part of their federal government transition series, this third post highlights the need to manage official email and social media accounts of senior officials as they enter and exit Federal Service. It is very important for these officials to keep personal materials separate from official accounts or systems. This avoids the laborious and difficult task of reviewing voluminous materials when leaving the agency.— via National Archives and Records Administration
Analytics Case Study Part 3: Action
Product lessons from the front lines of COVID-19 civic tech response
Two Presidential Innovation Fellows share how we can build digital services quickly without compromising quality for the public in times of crisis.
Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists for Senior Officials
Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists for Senior Officials—This post in their federal government transition series highlights the specific resources we have created for senior officials entering and exiting Federal Service. It is critically important these officials are aware of their records management responsibilities. Our Documenting Your Public Service guide includes Model Records and Information Management Entrance and Exit Checklists. These checklists serve as models for records management staff to adapt for use in their own agencies.— via National Archives and Records Administration
Digital Analytics Program releases Web Analytics Playbook
Digital Analytics Program releases Web Analytics Playbook —Take a look at these considerations anyone managing a web analytics tool should keep in mind! Strategy, implementation, and action among the plays discussed.— via Digital Analytics Program
Transition Post 1: General Resources from NARA and GSA
Transition Post 1: General Resources from NARA and GSA—During the month of October, GAO will be sharing a series of posts on records management best practices for officials entering and exiting Federal service. Today we’d like to highlight resources made available by GSA for all agencies. They maintain the Presidential Transition Directory to connect the people helping to plan and design the next federal government with information and resources. This Directory also incorporates OMB Memo M-20-24: Implementing the Presidential Transition Act. Our staff worked with GSA to ensure records management guidance has been updated and incorporated into the Transition Directory.— via National Archives and Records Administration
Analytics Case Study Part 2: Analysis
Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series, Episode 14: Putting Open Data to Work for America’s Communities
Improvements to the US Web Design System Banner Content and Code
Improvements to the US Web Design System Banner Content and Code —We improved the security banner that’s featured on many government websites and we encourage teams to update to this new security language as soon as possible.— via U.S. Web Design System
Plain Language Basics: Online Workshop
6 Ways Government Innovators Are Building Stronger Public Services
Learn how federal agencies are using AI, data, cloud computing, customer experience, and the TTS tech stack to improve civic resources for all Americans.
A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects
A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects—Written for cross-functional teams delivering IT services to their users, the Federal Field Guide to De-risk Government Technology offers guidance to federal agencies on how to structure software development teams, write contracts, and oversee agile software activities to reduce risks and improve outcomes for end-users.— via 18F