
10x Project Lightning Talks: 2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital.gov and the 10x

Join us for a live showcase of some of the most innovative projects in government. In this event, several 10x-funded project teams will give an overview of their work, an update on the current status, and discuss other ways in which the 10x approach is unique.

Through a series of quick presentations, we’ll learn more about the following projects:

  • Eligibility APIs
  • Spotlight
  • Privacy Dashboard
  • U.S. Web Design System’s Advanced Form Controls
  • Agile Budgeting and Oversight Handbook
  • Combating Bias in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Implementations
  • Improving Access to Government Housing Assistance
  • Government Notification Services


  • Mike Gintz, Eligibility APIs
  • Gray Brooks and Eleni Gesch-Karamanlidis, Spotlight
  • Peter Rowland, Privacy Dashboard
  • Ben Judy, USWDS Advanced Form Controls
  • Alicia Rouault, Agile Budgeting and Oversight Handbook
  • Shaudi Hosseini, Combating Bias in AI/ML Implementations
  • Improving Access to Government Housing Assistance
  • Mike Stern, Government Notification Services

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10x is an incremental investment fund inside the United States federal government. We fund internal projects that can scale across the federal government or significantly improve how our government builds technology for the public good. Our next round of funding closes July 28, 2020 so please submit your ideas here!