User Experience

Call for Participation: 2022 Government UX Summit

Jan 19, 2022


The February 8th deadline for submissions has passed. We have received a number of submissions on a wide variety of topics related to UX!

Registration for the 2022 UX Summit will be open soon. We will send a notification to the User Experience community once the registration is open. The summit will be held from June 07-08, 2022.

Call for Presenters

A committee of government employees will review the submissions and select the presentations for the program based on the relevance, usefulness, and quality of the submission and qualifications of the presenters. We expect to finalize the program in May.

See example presentations from prior summits:

For more information or questions regarding this year’s UX Summit, please contact Jean Fox at or Beth Martin at

Accessibility Guidelines

If the submission is selected for the 2022 UX Summit, will provide guidance on creating accessible slides and presentations. The submitter agrees to meet federal accessibility requirements for written materials and presentations. Read our tips for accessible events for more information.

Evaluation Process 

By submitting a presentation for review, the submitter, and panelists agree to the UX Summit review process. A committee composed of government employee volunteers will review all submissions.

To make the final selections, the reviewers will consider the following for each submission:

  1. Relevance to the UX Community of Practice
  2. Usefulness of the presentation
  3. Quality of the submission
  4. Qualifications of the speakers and submitters
  5. Appropriateness of the content for the proposed session length (we may suggest changes)

NOTE: In addition to considering these criteria, the reviewers will strive to achieve a diverse, balanced, and equitable program for the Summit.

The 2022 Government UX Summit is hosted by the User Experience Community of Practice (UX CoP) and

Join the UX CoP — a group of more than 1,400 U.S. government employees and contractors who are interested in applying UX methods to create efficient, effective, and useful products and systems. We provide webinars, networking, and support for government UX practitioners. Anyone with an interest in UX and a U.S. government email address is encouraged to join.