
Good digital governance leads to better internal team performance as well as better public digital experiences.

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61 posts

Announcing Data Governance Charter Templates

Announcing Data Governance Charter Templates—As a part of our Resources and Advisory Support collection, the Data and Analytics (DA) team in the Centers of Excellence (CoE) has released three charter templates that can help federal agencies set up data governance groups and an Office of the Chief Data Officer. We developed these charter templates based on our experiences working with chief data officers (CDOs) and data practitioners across the federal government. These charters are designed to help federal government agencies set up data governance bodies to better use agency data securely and strategically. Although the charter templates don’t represent or constitute official guidance, they’ll help jump start your effort to build data governance structures within your agency. Tailor them to meet your agency’s specific needs.— via The Centers of Excellence

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Jun 08, 2022

New Improvements to Boost Transparency and Engagement

New Improvements to Boost Transparency and Engagement—Almost a year ago, GSA launched a new version of While the new version came with significant improvements, customers requested the return of a few popular features from the previous version. We are happy to announce progress on the highest priority requests—improved public access to posted comments, and docket subscriptions—and new features that are coming soon.— via General Services Administration

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Jan 19, 2022

Go-Live Checklist for Federal Websites

Covering the breadth of federal web policy, the new downloadable checklist organizes policy requirements into nine categories and explains what your agency needs to do to meet each requirement.

Jan 13, 2022

A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects

A Federal Guide to De-risk Government Technology Projects—Written for cross-functional teams delivering IT services to their users, the Federal Field Guide to De-risk Government Technology offers guidance to federal agencies on how to structure software development teams, write contracts, and oversee agile software activities to reduce risks and improve outcomes for end-users.— via 18F

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Sep 09, 2020

Fostering Medical Innovation: A Plan for Digital Health Devices

It is incumbent upon FDA to ensure that we have the right policies in place to promote and encourage safe and effective innovation that can benefit consumers, and adopt regulatory approaches to enable the efficient development of these technologies. By taking an efficient, risk-based approach to our regulation, FDA can promote health through the creation

Jun 16, 2017

Laying the Foundation for a More Secure, Modern Government

Summary: Building on efforts to boost Federal cybersecurity & as part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, today we’re releasing a proposed guidance to modernize Federal IT. America’s spirit of ingenuity and entrepreneurship created the world’s most innovative economy and keeps us dominant in today’s digital age. Indeed, in 1985 about 2,000 people used the Internet;

Oct 28, 2016

Further Enhancing the Federal Government’s Privacy Practices

Summary: The Office of Management and Budget is releasing updated guidance on the role and designation of Senior Agency Officials for Privacy. The digital economy has transformed how citizens interact with their Government. Government services related to immigration, student loans, health insurance, and veterans’ benefits are just a sample of the services now available online.

Sep 30, 2016