Web Analytics and Optimization Community

Make better decisions using web analytics and other optimization strategies.

Connect with us

Federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local government employees and contractors are eligible to join.

Select "Join the Web Analytics Community," then a form will ask for your name and email address. The form should take most people a minute or less to complete.

Join the Web Analytics Community

In government, those with analytics as part of their duties are faced with a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. Technologies, strategies, and tools change regularly. This community aims to uncover best practices, case studies, tips, and tools for web analytics and optimization.

What We Do

We run meetings and trainings, engage in collaborative discussion, and send general emails with updates on new technology and trends.

Who We Are

We’re government website analysts, developers, content strategists, user experience (UX) designers, communications professionals, or any and everyone else who use data to improve the public’s interaction with government sites.

Community Conduct

The Communities of Practice are hosted by digital.gov, a service of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) within the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and must comply with requests for records made under FOIA. As a result, all communications made on this Communities of Practice LISTSERV are subject to release under FOIA.

When participating in this CoP, follow Digital.gov Community Guidelines.