A Better DigitalGov

We’re going to try something new here
Nov 14, 2017

We’re going to tell the story of how we’re rebuilding DigitalGov from the ground up — writing about the specific challenges we face, the methods and tools we’re using to overcome them, and how we’re measuring the results of our work.

We are doing this live and in the open.

Telling the story around our work, as we do the work, will provide us with a body of concrete examples of this work being done in government — one of the most effective tools for change within agencies.

We’ll focus on the people we serve: our government’s digital product owners. Our job is to help the people help the people. We can improve public services by helping those doing the work to be more confident, capable, and connected.

Our research has shown that people in government need clear, practical, well-documented examples of solving problems in government.

So we’re setting out to deliver just that. And we’re making a commitment to improve our site and its services iteratively and in the open. By clearly documenting each step of our process, we hope to be a practical example, make paths that others can follow or adapt, and create a space where government teams can share their own problems and solutions. We’ll need your help to make this happen.

Related: The U.S. Web Design Standards team has joined the DigitalGov team

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