Plain Language

Plain language is communication that is clear and easy to understand for your target audience, regardless of the medium used to deliver it. It is communication your audience can understand the first time they encounter it. Using plain language on government websites is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. A clear, concise message builds trust with users because they can understand your call to action and complete their tasks and meet their needs.

Plain Writing Act of 2010

Plain Writing Act of 2010

Plain language: essential knowledge

Plain Language events

Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.

Plain Language news

Three tips for using meta descriptions

At and USAGov en Español, the goal is to make content more useful to the public, and meta descriptions are one way to help people quickly find the government information they’re looking for. These brief summaries of webpage content appear in search engine results to entice users to click through, attracting visitors to agency websites. Regularly updating these descriptions based on user data can enhance their effectiveness. Read in more detail about their three tips to create effective meta descriptions: identify commonly searched keywords, write engaging and actionable descriptions, and ensure each one is unique.— via

usagov logo
Jun 04, 2024

FEMA National Summit on Risk Communications, Crisis Communications, and Community Engagement

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of External Affairs is convening risk and crisis communicators and community leaders who are on the front-line of the climate and emerging hazard crises. Attend the free, June 10, 2024, summit virtually, or in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: the sharing invaluable tools and insights, how to implement culturally competent and accessible communications, how to integrate behavior change strategies, and more. An ASL interpreter will be provided.— via Federal Emergency Management Agency

fema logo
Apr 25, 2024

How USAGov uses data to improve content

Each month, USAGov’s content designers spend many hours ensuring that the content on and USAGov en Español is up-to-date, accurate, and meets user needs. Learn how their team does holistic reviews of each topic section based on a rolling calendar with the goal of updating all content at least every 6 months.— via

usagov logo
Apr 01, 2024

Resources on Plain Language

Tools and Services


    Guidance on the use of plain language for government communications and training for federal employees.

  • The Guide to the Paperwork Reduction Act

    Get help with the PRA, planning and submitting an information request, and finding your agencies agency’s PRA contact.

  • Open Opportunities

    Discover opportunities across government that will help you build and make connections.

More News and Events on Plain Language

91 posts

Three tips for using meta descriptions

At and USAGov en Español, the goal is to make content more useful to the public, and meta descriptions are one way to help people quickly find the government information they’re looking for. These brief summaries of webpage content appear in search engine results to entice users to click through, attracting visitors to agency websites. Regularly updating these descriptions based on user data can enhance their effectiveness. Read in more detail about their three tips to create effective meta descriptions: identify commonly searched keywords, write engaging and actionable descriptions, and ensure each one is unique.— via

usagov logo
Jun 04, 2024

FEMA National Summit on Risk Communications, Crisis Communications, and Community Engagement

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of External Affairs is convening risk and crisis communicators and community leaders who are on the front-line of the climate and emerging hazard crises. Attend the free, June 10, 2024, summit virtually, or in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: the sharing invaluable tools and insights, how to implement culturally competent and accessible communications, how to integrate behavior change strategies, and more. An ASL interpreter will be provided.— via Federal Emergency Management Agency

fema logo
Apr 25, 2024

How USAGov uses data to improve content

Each month, USAGov’s content designers spend many hours ensuring that the content on and USAGov en Español is up-to-date, accurate, and meets user needs. Learn how their team does holistic reviews of each topic section based on a rolling calendar with the goal of updating all content at least every 6 months.— via

usagov logo
Apr 01, 2024
Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.

Why the American People Deserve a Digital Government

OMB released new policy guidance for government that includes a variety of actions and standards to help federal agencies design, develop, and deliver modern websites and digital services. Memo M-23-22, Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience, will make it seamless for the public to obtain government information and services online, and help agencies fully implement the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (21st Century IDEA).— via The White House

whitehouse logo
Sep 22, 2023