News and Updates

Innovative work, news, and ideas from people and teams in government

Spotlight Story: Pioneering Open Source at the CFPB

Spotlight Story: Pioneering Open Source at the CFPB—Open source software is a fundamental aspect of how the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has served the public in its short history. In April of 2012, nine months after opening its doors, they released their source code policy, based on the work of the Department of Defense, along with their first two open source projects. Just six days later, they accepted their first pull request. Though a minor change, this was the first documented contribution to a federal government open source codebase by a member of the public.— via

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Jul 23, 2020

When’s the Best Time to Tweet? @USAGovEspanol Experiments with Twitter—A good following on social media is fundamental to USAGov’s goal of getting clear and helpful government information to Spanish speakers around the country. To make sure we’re reaching the right people at the right time with valuable content, our team began to rethink our USAGov en Español Twitter strategy.— via

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Jul 22, 2020

Transforming How DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Engages With the Public

Transforming How DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Engages With the Public—In order to be more responsive to the public’s changing communication needs and the increased reporting volume, the Civil Rights Division, in close collaboration with 18F, has launched a user-friendly online submission experience at that transforms the way the Division collects, sorts, and responds to civil rights reports.— via 18F

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Jul 07, 2020
DAP Learning Series

Shifting Your Metrics Mindset

In this session, we’ll discuss the classic suite of “marketing metrics” vs what’s more important to us in government “content-based metrics”.
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Building Trust in a Public Health Crisis

Building Trust in a Public Health Crisis—Lately, the 18F content team has been thinking about how to communicate well in a crisis—providing clear, understandable content is especially important. Content strategy practices that focus on the needs of the user are essential to earning the trust of the public. Here, we will explain how to embody those qualities on the web in user-centered ways.— via 18F

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Jun 23, 2020