HCD Guide Series

Design concepts guide

Select methods for designing products, services, and systems
A woman sits on top of a lightbulb surrounded by gears, graphs, and computers

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Deliver phase

You’ve drawn on your discovery phase work and created prototypes from it. You’ve tested those prototypes with participants. You’ve kept your leadership informed. You’ve worked with the implementation team to make sure the work will see lift-off.

The team is set up for success. Next, work with the implementation team to move into the deliver phase and see your work enter the world at scale!

Four circles indicate the four phases of Human Centered Design: discovery, design, delivery, and measurement. Arrows connect these circles to indicate that the process is also cyclical, and steps need to be repeated at different phases. The delivery phase is highlighted.

This four-phase diagram shows the Human-Centered Design process. The four phases shown in the circles are: discovery, design, deliver, and measure. These phases are sequential with the expectation that the process as a whole will be cyclical. Each part builds on and references each other, and teams can revisit previous phases as they find the need or investigate different aspects of their project.


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