DAP Learning Series: An Introduction to the Basics

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital.gov and the Digital Analytics Program

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) Learning Series is designed to increase your skills and understanding of DAP’s implementation of Google Analytics in the government.

This half-day, online class will provide an introductory training on how to use DAP’s Google Analytics data.

Concepts we’ll cover:

  1. Basic terms and concepts
  2. Common web metrics: what they mean and when to use them
  3. How to create and deliver reports
  4. Analytics and sampling


Introduction to DAP

  • What it means to be part of DAP
  • How DAP implementation may be different

Basic Terms and Concepts

  • Profile (view)
  • Dimension
  • Metric
  • Filter
  • Segment

Common Web Metrics: What They Mean and When to Use Them

  • Sessions and users
  • Pageviews
  • Users/page views
  • Bounce rate
  • Referrer

How to Create Reports

  • Audience reports
  • Site content
  • Pages
  • Landing pages
  • Content drill-down
  • Acquisition
  • Sources: direct, referral, organic search, etc.
  • Referrals
  • Social
  • Search keywords

Analytics and Sampling

  • Tips & tricks to avoid sampling
  • Unsampled reports (exporting unsampled reports on-demand versus scheduled, etc.)

How to Deliver Reports

  • Dashboard versus Report
  • How to choose the right metrics for different reporting needs
  • Emailing and exporting reports

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers advanced, easy web analytics to federal agencies. DAP is run by the Office of Products and Programs in the GSA.