Trends on Tuesday: A Record 230 Million Smartphones Shipped Q2 2013
Global Smartphone OS Shipments (Millions of Units) Q2 ’12 vs. Q2 ’13
- Android 108.7 182.6
- Apple iOS 26 31.2
- Microsoft 5.6 8.9
- Others 16.2 6.9
- Total 156.5 229.6
Global Smartphone OS Marketshare % Q2 ’12 vs. Q2 ’13
- Android 69.50% 79.50%
- Apple iOS 16.60% 13.60%
- Microsoft 3.60% 3.90%
- Others 10.40% 3.00%
Total Growth Year-over-Year % – 41.60% 46.70%
This data shows that mobile adoption continues to rise rapidly worldwide. Agencies should keep this in mind and take a mobile first approach.