
The design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities

More News and Events on Accessibility

173 posts

Making It Easier for People to Find Federal Agencies

Making It Easier for People to Find Federal Agencies—Finding contact information for a federal department or agency is a top task at and USAGov en Español. Our A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies directory is a popular feature and the result of many years of user testing and website user metrics.— via

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Jun 08, 2021

When’s the Best Time to Tweet? @USAGovEspanol Experiments with Twitter—A good following on social media is fundamental to USAGov’s goal of getting clear and helpful government information to Spanish speakers around the country. To make sure we’re reaching the right people at the right time with valuable content, our team began to rethink our USAGov en Español Twitter strategy.— via

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Jul 22, 2020

Building Trust in a Public Health Crisis

Building Trust in a Public Health Crisis—Lately, the 18F content team has been thinking about how to communicate well in a crisis—providing clear, understandable content is especially important. Content strategy practices that focus on the needs of the user are essential to earning the trust of the public. Here, we will explain how to embody those qualities on the web in user-centered ways.— via 18F

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Jun 23, 2020

"Diga o marque 2": USAGov en Español’s New Approach to Interactive Voice Response

"Diga o marque 2": USAGov en Español’s New Approach to Interactive Voice Response—USAGov receives and responds to questions directly from the public in many ways: through social media, on page surveys on and USAGov en Español, and through chats and calls. One powerful tool in the USAGov toolbelt is our interactive voice response (IVR) system in both English and Spanish through the USAGov Contact Center.— via

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Jun 23, 2020
Watch this special presentation featuring 18f Content Strategist, Ryan Johnson, where he discusses how you can effectively write accessible web content.
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Join the U.S. Web Design System Community

Are you and your team working with the U.S. Web Design System on your site, or have plans to start using it? The USWDS team has a public Slack channel where you can meet other government engineers, content specialists, and designers who are working with the USWDS to build accessible, mobile-friendly websites.— via U.S. Web Design System

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Oct 08, 2019
The U.S. Web Design System team will show you how to get started with USWDS 2.0: how to set up your project colors, fonts, and more.