
The design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities

Accessibility isn't just the right thing to do; it’s the law. The guidance, resources, and community you find here will help you deliver accessible digital products and services in the federal government.

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Accessibility: essential knowledge


    This site provides guidance for federal agencies on several topics in IT accessibility, including creating accessible websites and documents, accessibility testing, accessibility training, and accessibility in contracting and procurement.

  • Best practices for writing for the accessible web

    Tips for making online information accessible for those with auditory and visual needs.

  • An advanced approach to accessibility

    Accessibility is one of the most important values underlying all the work that we do. This is a deeper look into accessibility: what to do, how to do it, and why it matters, especially in government.

  • Accessibility: Usability for every ability

    Incorporate accessibility from the start and celebrate accessibility guidelines that help build better products and services for all users.

  • Accessibility for Teams

    A quick-start guide for embedding accessibility and inclusive design practices into your team’s workflow.

Accessibility events

The U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) team will chat with Center for Civic Design co-founder Whitney Quesenbery about designing accessible civic spaces.
Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.
This month the Design System team will talk about the development and rollout of their new accessibility tests for components.
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Next steps in the U.S. Web Design System’s inclusive usability research

USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023

The USWDS team will continue sharing our progress to improve ongoing research, publishing results and addressing recent findings.
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Conducting user research with people with disabilities

USWDS Monthly Call - October 2023

This month, we’ll share progress and findings from our recent effort to improve our ongoing research practice.
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Accessibility news

Federal customer experience: OMB has taken actions to implement cross-agency priority goals

In 2021, the President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. To implement this priority area, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) set two long-term, cross-agency priority (CAP) goals. In this study, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviews OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts towards these CAP goals. Learn about actions taken by OMB and selected High Impact Service Providers (HISPs), how OMB has facilitated interagency collaboration, and the extent to which OMB has overseen and assessed progress on these CAP goals. — via Government Accountability Office

Government Accountability Office logo

Jun 06, 2024

Equity study reaches 4,000 participants

Launched last fall, the General Services Administration equity study on remote identity proofing aims to determine if biases exist in the algorithms used for online identity verification. The study has now reached its goal of recruiting 4,000 participants from diverse communities, and experts are ready to begin analysis of the data. Learn how the team at GSA plans to conduct this data analysis, and how their findings will lead to improved equitable services delivery in technology across the government. — via General Services Administration

General Services Administration logo

Jun 05, 2024

FEMA National Summit on Risk Communications, Crisis Communications, and Community Engagement

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of External Affairs is convening risk and crisis communicators and community leaders who are on the front-line of the climate and emerging hazard crises. Attend the free, June 10, 2024, summit virtually, or in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: the sharing invaluable tools and insights, how to implement culturally competent and accessible communications, how to integrate behavior change strategies, and more. An ASL interpreter will be provided. — via Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency logo

Apr 25, 2024

Progress towards delivering a digital-first public experience

Each year, more than 400 million individuals, families, businesses, organizations, and local governments get information and services from about 430 federal agencies and sub-agencies. The Biden-Harris administration is driving a bold vision for how government agencies serve their customers digitally with OMB’s ten-year roadmap for a modern digital experience. Agencies have already made significant strides. Learn about recent successes by the IRS, CDC, NASA, and FEMA, and how OMB will continue to collaborate with agencies to ensure ongoing improvement in digital government services. — via The White House

The White House logo

Apr 17, 2024

Now available: Trusted Tester for Web Certification courses, version 5.1.3

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has updated its Trusted Tester program courses. It features six improvements, including accessible plain language, adjusted exam requirements, and enhanced course design. The updated curriculum aligns with the latest Trusted Tester Conformance Test Process for Web, offering a more efficient learning experience. Enrollment is open via the Training Portal, and inquires can be directed to the DHS Accessibility Helpdesk for assistance. — via logo

Apr 12, 2024

Resources on Accessibility

Tools and Services


    Guidance on the use of plain language for government communications and training for federal employees.


    Guidance for federal agencies on IT accessibility compliance.

  • The Guide to the Paperwork Reduction Act

    Get help with the PRA, planning and submitting an information request, and finding your agencies agency’s PRA contact.

  • Open Opportunities

    Discover opportunities across government that will help you build and make connections.

  • U.S. Web Design System

    A toolkit of principles, guidance, and code that helps agency digital teams build accessible, mobile-friendly government websites for the American public.

More News and Events on Accessibility

167 posts

Federal customer experience: OMB has taken actions to implement cross-agency priority goals

In 2021, the President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. To implement this priority area, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) set two long-term, cross-agency priority (CAP) goals. In this study, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviews OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts towards these CAP goals. Learn about actions taken by OMB and selected High Impact Service Providers (HISPs), how OMB has facilitated interagency collaboration, and the extent to which OMB has overseen and assessed progress on these CAP goals. — via Government Accountability Office

Government Accountability Office logo

Jun 06, 2024

Equity study reaches 4,000 participants

Launched last fall, the General Services Administration equity study on remote identity proofing aims to determine if biases exist in the algorithms used for online identity verification. The study has now reached its goal of recruiting 4,000 participants from diverse communities, and experts are ready to begin analysis of the data. Learn how the team at GSA plans to conduct this data analysis, and how their findings will lead to improved equitable services delivery in technology across the government. — via General Services Administration

General Services Administration logo

Jun 05, 2024

The U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) team will chat with Center for Civic Design co-founder Whitney Quesenbery about designing accessible civic spaces.

FEMA National Summit on Risk Communications, Crisis Communications, and Community Engagement

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of External Affairs is convening risk and crisis communicators and community leaders who are on the front-line of the climate and emerging hazard crises. Attend the free, June 10, 2024, summit virtually, or in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: the sharing invaluable tools and insights, how to implement culturally competent and accessible communications, how to integrate behavior change strategies, and more. An ASL interpreter will be provided. — via Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency logo

Apr 25, 2024

Progress towards delivering a digital-first public experience

Each year, more than 400 million individuals, families, businesses, organizations, and local governments get information and services from about 430 federal agencies and sub-agencies. The Biden-Harris administration is driving a bold vision for how government agencies serve their customers digitally with OMB’s ten-year roadmap for a modern digital experience. Agencies have already made significant strides. Learn about recent successes by the IRS, CDC, NASA, and FEMA, and how OMB will continue to collaborate with agencies to ensure ongoing improvement in digital government services. — via The White House

The White House logo

Apr 17, 2024

Now available: Trusted Tester for Web Certification courses, version 5.1.3

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has updated its Trusted Tester program courses. It features six improvements, including accessible plain language, adjusted exam requirements, and enhanced course design. The updated curriculum aligns with the latest Trusted Tester Conformance Test Process for Web, offering a more efficient learning experience. Enrollment is open via the Training Portal, and inquires can be directed to the DHS Accessibility Helpdesk for assistance. — via logo

Apr 12, 2024

Justice department to publish final rule to strengthen web and mobile app access for people with disabilities

On April 8, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland signed a final rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the accessibility of web content and mobile applications for people with disabilities. This final rule clarifies the obligations of state and local governments to make their websites and mobile applications accessible. Learn more about this rule and why the Attorney General believes it will “break down barriers that have kept people with disabilities from fully participating in American Life.” — via Department of Justice

Department of Justice logo

Apr 08, 2024

How USAGov uses data to improve content

Each month, USAGov’s content designers spend many hours ensuring that the content on and USAGov en Español is up-to-date, accurate, and meets user needs. Learn how their team does holistic reviews of each topic section based on a rolling calendar with the goal of updating all content at least every 6 months. — via logo

Apr 01, 2024

18F at ten

We’re celebrating all the ways we continue to realize our founding vision: bringing technologists into government, launching shared digital services, and helping partner agencies build user-centered technology. — via 18F

18F logo

Mar 19, 2024

Annual Gathering

Spring 2024 Community Summit

Digital service experts across the federal government will share case studies and best practices on delivering a digital-first public experience.

Equity in action: GSA’s study on remote identity-proofing technologies

The Biden-Harris President’s Management Agenda (PMA) emphasizes an effective, equitable and accountable government. As part of this effort, the General Services Administration (GSA) is conducting a study on the equity of remote identity proofing. The study aims to assess and improve the accessibility and equity of remote identity verification technologies such as facial matching systems. Learn more about the context, purpose, and progress of the study, and how it supports GSA’s goal of enhancing digital government services and prioritizing equitable design practices. — via logo

Mar 13, 2024

Getting the word out about voter registration:’s first social media takeover with USAGov

Last fall, and the USAGov program partnered for their first-ever social media takeover on National Voter Registration Day. The campaign, which encouraged the public to register to vote, reached 36,000 people across USAGov’s platforms and generated over 2,000 engagements. The partnership raised awareness for, boosted’s website traffic, and laid the groundwork for the future collaborations and resource-sharing between the two entities. This collaboration between and USAGov offers a model for social media takeovers and partnerships between federal agencies and teams. — via logo

Feb 06, 2024

Designing with empathy

Discover the transformative power of empathy in design with USAGov’s benefit finder. From simplifying applications to a mobile-first approach, the revamped tool not only functions efficiently in two different languages and cultural contexts, but demonstrates the consideration for users in challenging situations. Explore how empathy turned a government service into a compassionate lifeline, creating a product that genuinely understands and meets people where they are. — via logo

Jan 25, 2024

This month the Design System team will talk about the development and rollout of their new accessibility tests for components.
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GSA Issues Report to Congress Highlighting Need for Improvement in Federal Government Section 508 Compliance

The report, the FY23 Governmentwide Section 508 Assessment, evaluates reporting entities’ adherence to the criteria established by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in coordination with GSA, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the U.S. Access Board (USAB). It provides a baseline and recommendations for strengthening compliance initiatives and enhancing Section 508 activities across the federal government. — via General Services Administration

General Services Administration logo

Dec 28, 2023