Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Find out how to incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) into digital experiences.

When digital experiences are designed to be inclusive, they are accessible to all — people with diverse abilities, people who speak different languages, and people from diverse cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Inclusion creates a better user experience for everyone. When we consider inclusion from the start of designing digital experiences, we create a wider impact for the products and services we design.

Executive Order 14091: Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government

Executive Order 14091: Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility: essential knowledge

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion events

Next steps in the U.S. Web Design System’s inclusive usability research

USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023

The USWDS team will continue sharing our progress to improve ongoing research, publishing results and addressing recent findings.
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion news

Justice department to publish final rule to strengthen web and mobile app access for people with disabilities

On April 8, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland signed a final rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the accessibility of web content and mobile applications for people with disabilities. This final rule clarifies the obligations of state and local governments to make their websites and mobile applications accessible. Learn more about this rule and why the Attorney General believes it will “break down barriers that have kept people with disabilities from fully participating in American Life.”— via Department of Justice

doj logo
Apr 08, 2024

Resources on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

More News and Events on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

18 posts

Justice department to publish final rule to strengthen web and mobile app access for people with disabilities

On April 8, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland signed a final rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the accessibility of web content and mobile applications for people with disabilities. This final rule clarifies the obligations of state and local governments to make their websites and mobile applications accessible. Learn more about this rule and why the Attorney General believes it will “break down barriers that have kept people with disabilities from fully participating in American Life.”— via Department of Justice

doj logo
Apr 08, 2024
Next steps in the U.S. Web Design System’s inclusive usability research

USWDS Monthly Call - November 2023

The USWDS team will continue sharing our progress to improve ongoing research, publishing results and addressing recent findings.
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Customer Experience Roundup 2015

Customer experience touches all of the work we do. From Web to mobile to contact centers and social media, we need to not only be aware of our customers’ experiences but also respond quickly and make changes that will enhance their experiences.

May 11, 2015

Your audience is not homogenous. No matter the agency, target audiences are not only diverse, they are diverse on a multitude of factors. Recently, evolving trends in multicultural marketing have gained attention as organizations adjust their marketing and outreach strategies to meet 21st century realities.

Apr 21, 2015