
Use podcasts to offer pre-recorded content your users can listen to anytime, anywhere.

Podcasts enable government agencies to connect with the public in a fresh, accessible way. More informal than press releases, podcasts can offer digestible insights into government work. For example, consider demystifying complex policies through engaging interviews, humanizing experts through storytelling, and addressing public concerns in candid conversations. Use podcasts to foster transparency, build trust, and inject a bit of humanity into the public’s perception of government.

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News and Events on Podcast

16 posts

NASA Releases First Season of Spanish-language Podcast

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, NASA is releasing new content for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first Spanish-language podcast. A five-episode season will start Tuesday, September 19, with new episodes released weekly. In each episode, Universo curioso will highlight the contributions of NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce to the agency’s groundbreaking work in Earth and space exploration. The season features interviews with NASA experts, including an astronaut, a space weather scientist, an astrochemist, and oceanographers. Episodes focus on some of NASA’s top missions, bringing the wonder of exploration, space technology, and scientific discoveries to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world.— via National Aeronautics and Space Administration

nasa logo
Sep 15, 2023

Five Things DOE Learned from Making a Podcast

The Energy Department launched Direct Current, our first podcast, on May 9. The first episode—all about rooftop solar, as well as the history of our agency—has been well-received so far by press, stakeholders, and the general public. One review

Jun 09, 2016

A Look at Podcasting at CSOSA

Podcasting is growing significantly. Per Pew, the percentage of Americans who have listened to a podcast in the past month has almost doubled since 2008, from 9% to 17% by January of 2015.

May 27, 2016

The Content Corner: Ranking Six Common Content Types

In last week’s column, I went back to a frequent theme of mine and discussed another method for helping to feed the content beast, which was learning when to say no to a new and potentially resource devouring digital channel or platform. However, we also need to take a look at six of the most

May 11, 2015