Mobile REMM App: New Physicians’ Aid

Jul 10, 2014

A screenshot of the REMM app on a mobile device
The Department of Health and Human Service’s Mobile REMM App provides physicians and emergency medical staff with the latest and greatest information concerning radioactive and nuclear emergencies. Available on iOS, Android, and Blackberry platforms, the native application showcases comprehensive information concerning dose estimators and resources to initiate a variety of triages on site without requiring mobile connectivity.

After its April update to 2.0.1, users now have access to management algorithms that provide scenario-based flowcharts to help in treatment decision making. These algorithms are successfully structured to provide instantaneous, organized access to a wide realm of protocols and guidance. In addition, the app also provides:

  • A Scarce Resources Triage Tool that aids in victim distribution if medical facilities become overwhelmed.
  • An alphabetized, encyclopedic Isotopes of Interest list with specific treatment details and other important characteristics, such as the radioactive half-life, exposure pathways, and focal accumulation sites within the body.
  • Quick access to the 3, FDA-Approved Countermeasures for any internal contamination a victim may possess.
  • Widely-renowned agencies that serve as Emergency Contacts in the event of such a Radioactive or Nuclear emergency, like the EPA, CDC, FEMA, NRC, and many more.
  • Radiation-Unit conversion tools that allow for conversion equivalence calculations and both SI Unit and Common Unit terminology lists.
  • Videos that can help prepare Emergency Responders and Physicians for these tragedies.

It is easy to find more government apps like Mobile REMM by accessing the Apps Gallery.

Katie Steffy, a rising senior at Virginia Tech, is earning a double degree in Dairy Science and Political Science with an emphasis in Legal Studies. She is interning with the Mobile Gov team this summer.